King Henry is our beautiful stud. He has beautiful structure, and weighs 28lbs. He is the son of King James. He is DNA health and color tested. His color profile- atat Coco n/kb dD nS

He has never had any illness or health problems (not even allergies) and he has the sweetest temperament. Everyone just loves him. 


He has produced a rainbow of puppies- Fawn, Brindle, lilac, Trindle, Black and Tan, Blue and Tan, pied, blue pied, blue (just to name a few)


Right now his stud fee is a special price. $750 for side by side or $900 shipped. 

You can lock in at this price for $100 then pay the remaining balance at the time of service. 


We Guarantee 3 pups or we will repeat breeding for free (except any shipping fees) until your female takes or has 3 or more puppies. 

We will provide a sample big enough for 2-3 inseminations. We will not naturally breed, or allow our dogs to for a natural tie, as we do not want to risk our dog contracting any diseases. 


For more info,  high quality photos, and / or our contract, please contact us